
  • "The Myth of Mental Illness", Thomas Szasz, 1961.
  • "The Manufacture of Madness: A Comparative Study of the Inquisition and the Mental Health Movement", Thomas Szasz, 1970.
  • "Schizophrenia: The Sacred Symbol of Psychiatry", Thomas Szasz, 1976.
  • "Anti-Freud - Karl Kraus' Criticisms of Psychiatry", Thomas Szasz, 1976.
  • "The Theology of Medicine", Thomas Szasz, 1977.
  • "The Myth of Psychotherapy", Thomas Szasz, 1978.
  • "Insanity - the Idea and its Consequences", Thomas Szasz, 1987.
  • "Our Right to Drugs: The Case for a Free Market", Thomas Szasz, 1992.
  • "The Meaning of Mind: Language, Morality and Neuroscience", Thomas Szasz, 1996.
  • "Fatal Freedom: The Ethics and Politics of Suicide", Thomas Szasz, 1999.
  • "Faith in Freedom", Thomas Szasz, 2004
  • "The Medicalisation of Everyday Life", Essays by Thomas Szasz, 2007.
  • "Coercion as Cure: A Critical History of Psychiatry", Thomas Szasz, 2007.
  • "Psychiatry: the Science of Lies", Thomas Szasz, 2008.
  • "Antipsychiatry: Quackery Squared", Thomas Szasz, 2009.
  • "Suicide Prohibition: The Shame of Medicine", Thomas Szasz, 2011.
  • "Cracked: Why Psychiatry is Doing More Harm Than Good", James Davies, 2013.



There is no mention whatsoever of the word and terminology "Psychiatry" - its origins as a term being in the English-speaking world - before 1846.

So NO! ... Macbeth had not missed his meds!..... etc. etc. etc.

My Message to organisations like "Mind", "SANE", "Rethink" etc.

My message as an Anti-Psychiatry activist to organisations like "Mind", "SANE", "Rethink" etc. should be relatively obvious.

To a large extent they are advocates for people who are victims of a crime - a crime called "psychiatry."

Whilst they seek to defend the rights of those ARBITRARILY labelled "mentally ill" - they don't seek enough to bring about FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE; and to FULLY SECURE HUMAN RIGHTS for all in the U.K. - for example by FULL REPEAL of the U.K. Mental Health Acts.

A major problem is they as organisations are, to far too great an extent, believers in the criminal ideology of "mental health" and "mental illness"; and hence are nearly as bad as the poisoners themselves.

The astonishing thing is that it is taking organisations like this - and society in general - so long to realise just how right Szasz was.

"Mental illness" does not exist and the "cure" for "it" is far worse than any illness!

The most potent weapon of the oppressor....

Great Steve Biko quote :

"The most potent weapon of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed."

St. Steven Biko.

This point is so very, very relevant to mental illness ideology.

Some people are so inured to the system - usually its very worst victims - that they find questioning the ideology of "mental illness" very very peculiar!....

The BCN - Brain and Central Nervous System

In Anatomy, Physiology, Medicine etc..... the Brain and Nervous System are ONE BODY SYSTEM - made of the same kind material and functioning as one. The "BCN". ......

Brain Science and Neuroscience are indeed usually interchangeable SYNONYMOUS terms - reflecting this scientific truth.

But this terminology needs "tightening up" and it would be helpful to do so I think.

Therefore Neuroscience could be called Brainscience - and indeed it is.

And hence Neurofilosofy - could be called Brainfilosofy or even Cerebrofilosofy!.....


Where "Science" is rendered as "o-Logy" from "Logos" - one could end up with....

Neurology - which is simply a branch of Medicine concerned with the physical nervous system.


"Nervescience" as "practised" nowadays is often about observing and measuring "neurotransmitters" and "electrical brain scans"......

Neurotransmitters are biochemical human substances..... like enzymes except in the nervous system.....

Far too much is concluded and extended from what is observed from such data......

Neurotransmitters like Dopamine work in relation to extremely basic body functions - like eating, breathing, sleeping.....

They have NOTHING AT ALL to do with emotions and decisions and the like.

Interfering with them has no or little effect on anything ANYWAY.

Let alone on anyone's behavior, emotions, thorts or feelings etc......

Supposedly interfering with them - in the context of "Psychiatric" POISONING - usually means DESTROYING them and their functioning as well as the nervous system itself.

"Neuroleptic" LITERALLY means - destroys the nerves!.....

The chemical cosh that bashes your body to smithereens!

Worse than a real cosh!....

So-called "Neurospychiatry" ("Nerve-Mind-Healing") is a PSEUDOSCIENCE and one of the most damaging crimes against humanity that has been known to us.

Harsh condemnation. Fully warranted.


NEUROLOGY is a branch of Medicine (or what is left of it) concerned with the (fisiological) nerves and the treatment of fisiolojical problems of the nerves and the nervous system!......

NEUROSCIENCE - a totally different thing - is a frightening new entity from the USA :) -  something surprisingly different!......




Mood is almost entirely subjective and a choice.

The idea that a substance can change one's mood is almost as wicked as the idea the the state of one's mood can in itself constitute an "illness" anyway.

An excess of "serotonin" - supposedly a "cure" for something that does not and cannot exist - the "illness" of "depression" - will only harm and destroy body systems.

The "medication" is only officially THORT to cause this anyway!

And then this effect - an excess of "serotonin" - is then THORT to have effects. :) :O

As with all neurotransmitters they are always concerned with BASIC BODY FUNCTION -appetite, sleep etc.

NOT moods or thorts or feelings.....


Possibly the biggest factor in ending anyone's "depression" is their realizing that it does not and cannot exist as an illness.

In my experience, what gets labelled "depression" (for example) is almost always related to beliefs and beliefs about life events - not physiology (other than basic health).

Telling someone that they have an "illness" when they obviously do not can never help.

Giving them 200 quid a fortnight extra "Disability Allowance" (when there is NO disability) will help them go to the pub and - in the case of the more sensible recipient of the "wonga" - the brothel.
Neither locales constitute the permament "cure"! :)




[Of the dead one should only speak good.]


Of the dead one should only speak good.
In the case of Szasz - this is particularly easy to live up to!

Szasz's books are of the highest quality and his ideas have the potential to avoid a great deal of suffering. He has rendered humanity a great service with his work.

Szasz's views' are perhaps sometimes being misrepresented and him and his views are being denigrated from beyond the grave.

A good example is Szasz's current wiki artricle.

It has an ENTIRE PART entitled "Criticism" at an early point in the article.

Is that the case with Chomsky's wiki or Newton's wiki?

The things that make up this part of the wiki article in my view do not really come under the definition of "critique" or "criticism".

Perhaps "mudslinging" would be a more apt title for this part of the wiki article.

Chomsky as a thinker is accorded far more attention than Szasz.

I think Szasz is absolutely worthy of an equal amount of attention.


His ideas are for all of us!
For they are nothing more than ideas - systematised LOGIC!

The distinction between MEDICINE and CRIME.

The distinction between MEDICINE and CRIME is an extremely important one.

It has been blurred now for centuries, mainly due to the pseudo-science of "Psychiatry".

Crime is no more the concern of Medicine than any behaviour.

Discodancing, for example, is neither a disease nor a crime - though some may think that it falls within the ambit of "crime". :)

Consequently, a disco dancer is neither in need of a doctor nor a policeman.

As soon as we allow the most heinous crimes to be regarded as "symptoms" of illnesses - or as illnesses themselves - like the common cold - then we are in trouble. To put it mildly.

As soon as we impute the views of those we disagree with to supposed non-proven illnesses we are seriously compromising our political and legal systems as well as the whole of science.

Yes, it is that vital a distinction.

Szasz of course has written extensively on issues like this.

We are already - even within the crime that is "psychiatry" itself - often treating people for crimes and punishing people for "illnesses".

Things like that are undoubtedly illogical.

The way forward is humbly to try to stick to logic.

If there is ANY crime then there may be punishment etc.
If there is SURELY NO ILLNESS there can be no treatment.

Our society already knows that it constantly breaches and marrs that logic.
It justifies that with pragmatism. But this is not really a good idea! Nor is it necessary!

About Me

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I am an amateur FILOSOFER. (I am not really a sofa). I dropped out of Cambridge University though I got an "S" grade in the entrance examination. I eventually received a 1st class Bachelors degree elsewhere. I received A.H.R.B. funding to pursue postgraduate study, but did not do so. Please enjoy my blogs. To parafrase Orwell, I am trying to make political blogging into an art. My intellectual heroes are Kenan Malik, Thomas Szasz and Noam Chomsky. I have made some mistakes in my life - and I would like to apologize wholeheartedly and from the depths of my cushions for any problems I may have caused and may be causing for anyone anywhere.